This location is situated 1 km away from the Nuwara Eliya town, on the Udapussellawa Road. Alternatively, travel 500 kms past Nuwara Eliya Dedicated Economic Center via Galways Road to reach the Park.

This was declared as a National Park first on 27 May 1938, and again on 18 May 2006. The plethora of biodiversity here includes the largest ferns in Sri Lanka, very rare local and foreign plant species such as Ginihota (Cytherea spp.), Nelu, Eucalyptus, Keena, Marchantia, Selaginella and orchids. A broad range of fauna including pigs, Barking Deer, leopard, Black Monkey, hares and snakes as well as over 35 local and migrant bird species including magpie, dove and Jungle Fowl roam these forests, which are also habitats of many species of butterflies.

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