As soon as one hears of the "Kaludiya Pokuna", some locals may mistakenly think that this is the Kaludiya Pokuna monastery complex in Mihintala, Anuradhapura. However, this lesser-known location, which literally translates to “Pond of Black Waters”, stands in the ruins of the Dakkinagiri Monastic Complex just 5km from the Kumbukkadanwala village in Matale district, while being 17km from Dambulla city and 8km from Sigiriya. The latitude and longitude position of this monastery complex for those who have trouble locating it is 700 52' 562' and 080 44' 124'.

This area is of great archaeological value. According to inscriptions within the temple complex the original name of the monastery was Dakkinagiri, though most now identify it by the Kaludiya Pond. The temple’s structure is now identified as a unique Pabbatharama type one and includes a cave temple complex. These are structured with several courtyards at different levels surrounded by water. In the upper courtyard itself are the four main sacred structures arranged in specific order: namely the holy Bo tree, the stupa, the image house, and the chapter house. Some of the Pabbatharama features of the Dakkinagiri complex can be seen in large number of ancient structures Manda Toluwila, Vijayaramaya, Praachina Tissapabbatha Temple, Menikdena, Sigiriya, and Meewalpathaha.

The Dakkinagiri Monastic complex spreads over a 40-hectare (100 acre) reserve. Nearly 70 caves had been identified to date within the complex - with 12 of them having been confirmed to have been used as cave dwellings by ancient monks in the past. Several ancient cave inscriptions also exist in this monastic complex. Established scholars such as Professor Senarath Paranavithana and Professor Sirimal Ranawella have researched them and published their interpretations. Accordingly, the inscriptions mention the alms offered to this temple, and the rules and regulations applicable to the monks who lived here. The article on the regulations for using Kaludiya Pond is one excellent example.

Toilet Facilities: Yes

Disable accessibilities: Yes

Distance from Matale: 17km

Tickets: Yes

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