Travel on Matale Galewela (via Madipola) road up to Maningamuwa Junction, turn left to Ambokka road leading to this Devalaya.

Ambokka Sri Pattini Devalaya is the main Pattini Devalaya in Matale. Considered as the site where the Gini Salamba of Goddess Pattini is kept, the shrine with its very long history is conserved by the Department of Archives. An ornate, very ancient Makara Thorana guards its entrance. Inside is decorated with statues of deities as well as frescoes. The Perahera of the Pattini Devale is held with great pomp and circumstance for 15 days in August each year, with huge crowds participating. The Diya Kapum Thota (river port where the ceremony is held) of the Devale is also a historic site with ancient stone pillars.

The whole village is surrounded by towering hills, jungles teeming with a great variety of life forms, and cascading waterfalls. Tourists seeking adventure, rock climbers and nature lovers, locals and foreigners alike, visit the area in their thousands.

The centuries-old Gal Ambalama in the vicinity has also been designated as an archaeological conservation site. 

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