Situated in the Dalada Maligawa Square, near Natha Devale and Patthini Devale.

In the earlier days of British Rule the foreigners wanted to use the Magul Maduwa for their religious observances, to which the Sinhalese protested vehemently. The British insisted that their Judges and Lawyers needed a church in order to swear before God prior to their daily duties. Accordingly, this church was built at Ehelepolawatte in 1843. A Christian school by the name of St. Paul’s used to be here for some time. 

Later on, when land was demarcated for the Dalada Maligawa premises, the school was shifted to Asgiriya, and renamed as Wariyapola Sumangala Vidyalaya, to function as a Buddhist school. Although Buddhists requested to remove the Church from the Maligawa premises, it was left intact owing to its archaeological significance. From a different viewpoint, it is seen as a solid example for Buddhist-Christian harmony.

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