Turn to Davulagala Road at the 65th Milepost on the Colombo-Kandy Road. Half a mile further down, you will find this temple atop a picturesque rock outcrop facing two majestic banyan trees. 

Following the advice by the Venerable Dharmakeerthi Maha Thero and under the patronage of King Buvanekabahu IV who ruled Kandy since 1266, This charming shrine was built by a Minister known as Senadhilankara in the year 1347. Like a Hindu shrine, the entire edifice is made of granite.

From the layout of the Gadaladeniya Temple it is evident that this was an effort to harmonize Buddhist and Hindu means of worship. The inner sanctum and the main Vihara have been planned and built for Buddhist rituals and ways of worship. The Buduge or the Buddha image house and the devale are positioned at right angle to each other and these share a common digge or vestibule. The smaller devale with the aisle is allotted for worship of God Vishnu.

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