Travel from Kandy to Gampola, turn to Gampola-Hemmathagama Road, proceed 4 kilometers to reach the entrance of Ambuluwawa Biodiversity Center.

With an elevation of 3,567 feet above sea level, the Ambuluwawa Mountain is critically important in historical as well as biological terms. The Royal Palace of King Buwanekabahu IV who reigned in Gampola (1341 – 1357) was situated close to Ambuluwawa. The Mayura Sandesha Kavya, written in the 14th Century, describes Ambuluwawa vividly. 

A veritable treasure trove in terms of biodiversity, there are 200 plant species, endemic birds and butterflies in the Montane Rainforest type of ecosystem in Ambuluwawa. The Pidurutalagala Mountain Range is seen to the east of Ambuluwawa mountain peak, Bathalegala to the west, Adam’s Peak to the right, and the Knuckles Range to the north.

Currently developed as a Biodiversity Complex and a Multireligious Centre, Ambuluwawa consists of the following features such as Govijana Chaitya and Buddhist Temple, Catholic Church, Hindu Kovil, Mosque, Kuttam Pokunas and lakes, Flower and medicinal plant gardens, Conference hall, Museum, Natural forests, Open air theatre, Stone gardens and benches, Tourist resorts and Heliports.

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